Tenancy agreements for students

Once you have enrolled yourself at your dream university or college, you will need to move on to an essential step in your life as a future student in a foreign country.

This step is the search for accommodation. Searching for accommodation can become a real ordeal if you don’t prepare well in advance.

In this section we will focus on tenancy law in Germany, Belgium and France.

We have equally published the booklet ‘Guide for students – Living in Belgium’ and ‘Leitfaden für Studierende - Mieten in Deutschland’, which contain the most frequently asked questions.

Following the introduction of new legislation in respect of renting in France, you will also find the updated version of the brochure ‘Guide pour étudiants — se loger en France’.

The ECC France and the ECC Germany have also published the brochures ‘Studying and living in France’ and ‘Studying and living in Germany’.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you require more information on this subject. You can find other ECC Luxembourg publications here.

Se loger en France
Se loger en Belgique
Se loger en Allemagne